Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco. 大多数专家先前提到的,都是在塔巴斯科海湾州托土盖罗遗址的一块石碑上,玛雅人用象形文字刻下的那个日期。
For instance, in the tiny Gulf state of Qatar, host of the 2022 World Cup, almost 1,000 people have died in construction related-accidents since January 2012. 例如,在卡塔尔(这个海湾小国将承办2022年世界杯),自从2012年1月份以来,已经有近1000人死于建设事故。
America's four 'growth corridors' ─ the Great Plains, the Gulf Coast, the Intermountain West and the Southeast ─ are growing not just because they have natural resources but also because state governments in those regions are significantly more friendly to business. 美国四大经济增长走廊北美大平原、墨西哥湾沿岸地区、山间西部以及东南部地区获得经济发展的原因不仅在于这些地区拥有自然资源,还在于这些地区的州政府对待企业要友善得多。
The Gulf state of Qatar this week said it has marketed some oil from rebel-held areas, and also managed to send badly-needed shipments of refined fuels to the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. 本星期海湾国家卡塔尔表示,他们已经开始帮助利比亚反对派出售石油,并向反对派控制的班加西运送了急需的石油制成品。
A major Mexican port on the Gulf of Mexico in the state of Veracruz. 位于维拉克鲁斯州墨西哥湾沿岸的一个墨西哥的主要港口城市。
They are lying fairly low after being labelled as Islamists and prot é g é s of Qatar, the tiny but rich Gulf state that took the lead among Arabs in toppling the colonel. 卡塔尔作为海湾富裕小国,反对卡扎菲的态度在阿拉伯诸国中最为明显。
He hopes that the report will provide a chance of reconciliation in this tiny but strategic Gulf state that is a Western ally and home to the American navy's Fifth Fleet. 国王希望这样的报道能有助于巴林这样一个战略地位重要的海湾小国的和谐。巴林不仅是西方的盟国,而且是美国海军第五舰队的驻扎地。
The Gulf state wants to be able to scan mobile spectrum for terrorist and anti-state chatter. 阿联酋希望能够检查移动通信频谱,以找出恐怖分子与反政府分子。
Earlier, an Iranian warship began patrolling in the gulf, where two Iranian vessels have been hijacked recently, state radio reported. 据国家电台报道,早些时候,一艘伊朗战舰开始在(亚丁)海湾巡逻,这里最近有两艘伊朗船只被劫持。
So the US now accepts and is working on a Taliban request to open a Taliban political office, most probably in a Gulf state although Turkey is also a possibility. 因此美国现在接受了塔利班设立政治办事处的请求,并正在作出安排,地点最有可能是在某个海湾国家,尽管也有可能在土耳其。
The UAE hopes to become the first Gulf state to develop a civilian nuclear programme to help meet soaring demand for power. 阿联酋希望成为第一个发展民用核能的海湾国家,以帮助满足日益高涨的能源需求。
The Qatar Investment Authority ( QIA) also seeks to boost the gas-rich Gulf state's investment presence. 在拥有丰富天然气资源的卡塔尔,卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)也在寻求增强投资规模。
Dudley, an American from the Gulf state of Mississippi, is now the high-profile point man for the embattled company as it continues to stop the gusher and deal with the economic damage it is causing. 达德利(BobDudley)来自墨西哥湾密西西比州。BP石油公司仍在继续防止石油泄漏,应对这次漏油造成的经济损失,达德利(BobDudley)目前已经成为这项工作的核心人物。
Federation of Arabian Gulf state; 阿拉伯湾国家联合会;
She also says activists have come across dead dolphins and turtles in the gulf coast state of Campeche, where Pemex uses seismic pulses to explore for oil. 同时,一些环境保护主义者还在墨西哥坎佩切湾找到了海豚和海龟的尸体,而这个地方正是Pemex公司利用地震脉冲探测石油的地区。
It indicates that the scattered metals have played an important part in the Gulf War and have a great significance in state security. 特别是稀散金属在海湾战争中发挥了重要作用,表明了稀散金属对增强国家安全具有重大意义。
The Gulf state supports the NATO mission, funds rebel media, and recently gave the TNC$ 100 million in cash. 这个波斯湾国家支持北约的利比亚使命,资助反对派的媒体,最近给了全国过渡委员会一亿美元的现款。
Gulf nations are facing stringent challenges of safeguarding their state sovereignty and to protect national solidarity. 海湾各国都面临着捍卫国家主权、维护民族独立的严峻挑战。
Narrow financial system is developed by the entire country, so not each historical stage has Beibu Gulf region or the unique financial system in Guangxi, many of the financial system are subordinate to the state. 狭义的金融制度是由整个国家制定的,所以并非每个历史阶段都有北部湾地区或广西自治区内独有的金融制度,许多金融制度都是从属于国家的。
With the engineering background of Dalian Gulf Bridge to be built, this paper focuses on the geometrically nonlinear analysis in bridge finished state and in bridge construction process of self-anchored cable-stayed suspension bridge. 本文以拟建的大连跨海大桥为工程背景,围绕大跨度自锚式吊拉组合桥成桥及施工过程几何非线性而展开。